We welcome and value parent and community volunteers who give their time and talent to help students.
MPS Volunteer Information and Forms
For the safety and security of our students, all volunteers at North High are screened and must go through an orientation process. To volunteer please note the following steps you must take:
Step 1
Fill out and submit an online application.
Step 2
Contact the school's volunteer coordinator, Ms. Spring Moody or Ms. Lisa Grigsby to discuss the area/classroom you are interested in volunteering in and make an appointment to come in for an orientation. Orientations usually only take about 30 minutes. Call 612-668-1726.
Please note that certain roles may require that a criminal background check be completed. If this is necessary it will be discussed during your orientation and you can complete the form for a background check online.
Step 3
- For roles not requiring a background check, your volunteer schedule will be established and work can start!
- For roles requiring background checks: once the school is notified that your background check has been cleared, you will be contacted to begin!